Struggling to Generate More Sales in Your Pickleball Business?

Consider collaborating with a very experienced professional business coach.

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Are you familiar with these business statistics?

  • 20% of businesses fail in the first year
  • 30% of businesses fail by the end of the second year
  • Approximately 50% of businesses fail by the end of the fifth year.

Be on the Other Side of these Statistics with the Support of Your Pickleball Business Coach (tm) 

Most of us are not natural-born entrepreneurs, but we can learn contemporary key business skills and strategies to:

  • Earn passive income that keeps coming in even while you’re on vacation.
  • Retire early without giving up the comforts you’ve worked hard for.
  • Leave a legacy of wealth behind for your children.
  • Diversify your income, so you don’t have to worry about ups and downs in the market.
  • Live the financially free life you’ve always dreamed of.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

And, it will likely take a lot of work. 

But, it will be easier with an objective sounding board who will encourage you to take smart, consistent action and hold you accountable to what you say you want.

Imagine if You Achieved These Goals from Your Pickleball Business Plan in the Next 6-12 Months?

  • Learned how to effectively communicate what you offer, the benefits of your offerings and had a waiting list of customers?
  • Implemented an automated marketing plan that brought organic site traffic daily
  • Got your new pickleball products in the hands of happy customers
  • Hired a support team
  • Generated passive income through your pickleball business

The right decisions can make all the difference. With regularly-scheduled pickleball business coaching sessions, you'll stay focused and on track.

Business Coaching Services Might Be Right for You If...

  • You can't commit to defining and focusing on your core products, customers or strategies.
  • You aren’t sure if you can even have a viable pickleball business idea.
  • You are busy, busy, busy... but the numbers don't reflect your efforts.
  • You know you need to automate and delegate, but haven't, can't or won't.
  • You are committed to figuring out how to work smarter and not harder.
  • You lack a community that understands you, your business or your vision. 

I'm Jennifer

 I LOVE pickleball!  I really do!  When not playing pickleball, I'm probably playing pickleball or talking to pickleball entrepreneurs.

I've been playing pickleball for at least five years.  When I learned how to play pickleball, I was flying approximately 130,000 air miles around the world facilitating professional coaching sessions, public and private in-house coach training programs (4 or 6-day all-day events) and/or speaking professionally at conferences, non-profits and Fortune 100 companies.  I used to coach and train new professional business and executive coaches as well as business owners and other leaders around performance and achieving results.  I also sold multi-million professional coaching contracts to large organizations and fulfilled these with a vetted team of 300+ highly-credentialed professional coaches.

I knew when I started traveling with my paddle and booking training venues and speaking engagements near places to play pickleball, that I was becoming a pickleball fanatic!  

After accumulating 3 million air miles, I hung up my wings, grabbed my paddle and went on a sabbatical... 

But, as much as I resisted, I discovered that I simply wasn't done doing what I was born to do - empower people through coaching and training.

So, I'm still serving the types of people I've been working with for decades, except now I'm primarily serving those in the pickleball industry.

Start Collaborating on Sound Pickleball Business Strategies Today

"3x30" Business Coaching Package

What's included:

  • Three private 30-minute sessions per month with me
  • Access into our Pickleball Business Training Portal
  • Access into one of our premium Pickleball Coaching Collectives for additional live video group sessions and discussions with other pickleball business owners
  • Access to our Coaching Portal which supports:
    • Our audio or video-based coaching sessions
    • Optional session recordings which can be placed into your account for future review
    • Scheduling and rescheduling sessions online (no back and forth calls, texts, emails)
    • Submitting upcoming session prep forms, links and files

Three 30-min Sessions/Month

Pay in Full (Save)

$3,000 USD for 6-mo Package


Three 30-min Sessions/Month

Two Payments

$3,200 USD for 6-mo Package


Three 30-min Sessions/Month

Six Payments

$3,600 USD for 6-mo Package


 "2x45" Business Coaching Package

What's included:

  • Two private 45-minute sessions per month with me
  • Access into our Pickleball Business Training Portal
  • Access into one of our premium Pickleball Coaching Collectives for additional live video group sessions and discussions with other pickleball business owners
  • Access to our Coaching Portal which supports:
    • Our audio or video-based coaching sessions
    • Optional session recordings which can be placed into your account for future review
    • Scheduling and rescheduling sessions online (no back and forth calls, texts, emails)
    • Submitting upcoming session prep forms, links and files

Two 45-min Sessions/Month

Pay in Full (Save)

$3,000 USD for 6-mo Package


Two 45-min Sessions/Month

Two Payments

$3,200 USD for 6-mo Package


Two 45-min Sessions/Month

Six Payments

$3,600 USD for 6-mo Package