Promote Your Pickleball Business

Don't be the best kept secret in the pickleball industry.


Are you familiar with business marketing stats?

  • It only takes people an average of 7 seconds to form an impression of your brand.
  • But, it takes 5-7 impressions for consumers to recognize your company logo.
  • And, they may need even more impressions to do business with you. 

Until one of you reaches 11 points, it's not too late to make a come back. With focus and strategy, players come back to win after being down every single day.



Establish an Online Presence for Your Pickleball Business


Do What Established Pickleball Brands Do -- Be Seen EVERYWHERE!

Successful billion-dollar brands don't stop advertising and marketing, so why would you? Whether you want repeat business from existing customers or fresh leads from new prospects, your brand needs to be visible.   

Our pickleball business portfolio includes our proprietary Pickleball Resource Finder.  Here, you could leverage one of our annual membership plans that may allow you to*:

  • upload your logo and other graphics to create brand awareness
  • display your social media channels for more traffic
  • post upcoming event announcements to drive registrations
  • link directly to your website or use this as your web presence (extensive formatting options, including photo, audio, video and product galleries) to gain authority in your sub-niche
  • create classifieds to sell something
  • create a job listing to fill a position
  • embed your physical location on a map so new customers can find you
  • post blog articles to demonstrate credibility and expertise
  • review your profile visitor stats to determine what's working and not
  • receive and reply to customer reviews to deepen the relationship with your customers and clients
  • join our private community of other pickleball business owners who are advertising/marketing on our sites to receive peer-to-peer support and insights

* Access to various features and benefits will depend on selected plan 

How Will You Grow Your Pickleball Business?

They say there's the easy way and the hard way... 

However you decide to do it, remember that successful businesses are not built in a bubble. 

Associate Tier

$47 Per Year
(valued at $97)

Invest Now

Professional Tier

$147 Per Year
(valued at $297)

Invest Now

Entrepreneurial Tier

$247 Per Year
(valued at $497)

Invest Now
Pickleball Business Portal - Bonus 1

Time-Sensitive Bonus #1:

Pickleball Business Portal

(Valued at $500 USD)*

One-year access into the Pickleball Business Portal which includes:

  • Downloadable tools, checklists, forms & templates
  • Periodic assessments, quizzes and surveys
  • Special member-only promotions
  • Optional Affiliate Program to generate income as you grow your business
  • Customer Support

Time-Sensitive Bonus #2:

Pickleball Business Collective 

(Valued up to $997 USD)*

Double the value of your pickleball business investment with a bonus one-year membership into the lateral Pickleball Business Collective

Overcome business challenges in a safe, supportive and positive environment (free of trolls, spammers, scammers and curious enthusiasts). Expand your pickleball business community to accelerate goal achievement and business results. Your tier may include:

  • topic-based pickleball business discussions & "get stuff done" virtual work parties
  • B2B networking and community building
  • video livestreams, trainings, hot seat coaching and masterminds
  • pickleball business challenges with leaderboards
  • and lots more 
Bonus 2 for Pickleball Business Collectives

Important Notes:

* This page displays stand-alone products. Current bonuses are time-sensitive (may be removed at any time without notice) and they may not renew when your advertising/marketing membership renews.  Each membership plan offers different features and benefits.  This offer is for new customers only.
I just want the bare basics; I'll enroll in the Introductory Plan.

Marketing Your Pickleball Business on our Pickleball Resource Finder could be Right for You If...

  • You have a good (or even great) product or service...that no one knows about
  • You aren't tech savvy enough (today) to think about running paid social media or search engine ads
  • You don't have a website or web presence 
  • You're currently offering a pickleball product or service, but don't yet have a website or website
  • You already have a marketing funnel for your pickleball business, but need visibility for more traffic and engagement
  • You want your pickleball business or pickleball service to show up in a location-based search

Personal Note from Your Host...

I've been professionally coaching, training and speaking for decades.  I have coached numerous entrepreneurs, service-based professionals and Fortune 50 c-suite executives and international business leaders while commanding top dollar to open my mouth.

I am intentionally offering the pickleball business marketing plans at a price point that's feasible for many.  Whether you decide to participate or not, hope to meet you soon! 


Breaking News about all the new pickleball products on the market

The Pickleball Industry is Exploding!

  • The industry is exploding with new pickleball products hitting the market every week.
  • Those who innovate and are fearless about claiming their slice of the pie can make headway.
  • There are pickleball players that need what you have to offer. Don't be the best kept secret.

The right decisions can make all the difference. Let us help your pickleball business to stay focused and on track.