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Starting or growing a pickleball-based business can be similar to playing in a large double-elimination pickleball bracket…every single day. Timely tips can make it easier.

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 About Pickleball Profitability

We support pickleball entrepreneurs in launching or growing their pickleball-based business with the least amount of time, energy, money & stress.

Dream it. Design it. Launch it. Leverage it.

Who We Serve

We support passionate, heart-centered pickleball entrepreneurs who want to provide quality experiences and/products to their loyal pickleball customers. 

  • pickleball business owners
  • pickleball clinic principals
  • pickleball club managers 
  • pickleball coaches
  • pickleball entrepreneurs
  • pickleball instructors
  • pickleball manufacturers
  • pickleball podcast hosts
  • pickleball product inventors
  • pickleball service providers
  • pickleball solopreneurs
  • pickleball tournament directors
  • pickleball travel companies
  • pickleball retailers & resellers

Our Pickleball Business Clients Typically Want To Achieve the Following Goals:

  • Finally start the pickleball business they've been dreaming about
  • Grow their established pickleball business or expand their existing business offerings into the pickleball industry
  • Complete their pickleball business plan
  • Create a lifestyle-friendly pickleball business 
  • More, more, more!  This includes customers, sales, revenue, profitability, opportunities, resources, etc.
  • Become more effective at (or outsource) business development (traditional marketing, digital marketing, selling services and products, become more visible, etc.)
  • More effectively and consistently communicate with their prospects, customers, staff and partners.
  • Monetize their love of pickleball as they work towards creating passive and multiple income streams
  • Get their unique pickleball inventions into the hands of passionate pickleball players
  • Develop themselves and their staff so they can delegate more and keep their focus on the big picture
  • Reduce stress, confusion, competing priorities, busywork, etc.
  • Experience the power of community and collaboration as they proceed along their pickleball business journey
  • I've been coaching business owners and executives for decades and this list goes on...

Why Not Get Started Right Now?

See How We Can Support You in Leveling Up Your Pickleball Business

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Jumpstart your business endeavors with our ten-page business checklist to make sure your bases are covered.

Our proprietary 100-point checklist will provide actionable insights to all business owners and entrepreneurs in the pickleball industry.


Recent Blog Posts about Your Pickleball Business

So, You Want to Start a Pickleball Business?

Apr 17, 2024


I'm Jennifer...

First, like you, I LOVE pickleball!  I really do!  When not playing pickleball, I'm probably talking or thinking about pickleball or pickleball entrepreneurship.  

I've been playing pickleball for at least five years.  When I discovered pickleball, I was flying approximately 130,000 miles around the world facilitating professional business, executive and corporate coaching sessions... when I wasn't facilitating public or private in-house 4-day or 6-day professional coach training programs leading to credentialing. 

I knew when I started traveling with my paddle and booking event venues near places to play pickleball, that I was becoming a pickleball fanatic!  After accumulating 3 million air miles, I hung up my wings and grabbed my paddle... 

Pickleball Life and Business Coach - Picture of the Founder

"Thanks for meeting about my attitude yesterday. Getting caught up in my own head frustrates me so!"

- Paula

"It's strange. Cuts straight to the truth making you feel exposed and vulnerable, but says things in a way that makes you profusely thank her."

- Karen

"Really love this philosophy: just because we're working on (extremely) tough things, it doesn't have to feel so heavy!"

- Nikkie
Paddle Up for Pickleball Profitability Newsletter

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Starting or growing a pickleball-based business can be similar to playing in a large double-elimination pickleball bracket...every single day.  Subscribe to our newsletter designed exclusively for pickleball business owners, whether you're a pickleball instructor, pickleball service provider, pickleball club manager, pickleball investor, pickleball product inventor, pickleball product designer or in another pickleball niche, we have you covered. 

You're safe with us. We'll never spam you or sell your contact info.